Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cleanse - Day 4

This day was a little easier for me. I can't say food didn't interest me but I didn't struggle as much to ignore it. I didn't drink as much tonic as I was supposed to because I had a busy day. First I drove to Ontario to babysit my niece and nephew. Once I was done with that I drove to South Gate to get a haircut and then drove to USC area for some waxing.

Overall, it was a long day with lots of driving. I tried drinking water to help me until I got home and could drink more tonic. That barely helped. I realized that my body really needed the sugar from the tonic. I must admit that I go to sleep early so I won't have to think about food for long.

The good news about this hard struggle is that I'm losing weight. So far it's been an average of 2 lbs per day. I know that's alot but so far I don't see much of a difference.

Tomorrow is my first day back to veggies and fruits. It's funny to admit this but I can't wait to eat veggies & fruits all day!

Stay tuned...

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