Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cleanse - Day 5, 6, and 7

I finished the cleanse! Woohoo! That was one of the toughest things I've done but I don't regret it. I had several benefits from it and I may consider doing it again sometime in the future.

Days 5 and 6 were hard days for me. I had a lot of yummy food around me and it was really hard to stay away. Day 6 was the mose stressful day I've ever had at work. So to deal with the stress while on a crazy diet was challenging to say the least. Good thing was that I was so busy I barely had time to think about food.

I was suppose to go the Farmers Market in my neighborhood to go chat with a cutie but I didn't have time. Hopefully I'll see him next week.

POST CLEANSE - well I did a predictable thing and made my first day cleanse free an "Eat whatever you want" day. I know that wasn't good but I just need to get these damn cravings out of my system so I could move on. You see, I AM an adult who makes my own decisions. Good or bad, it is I who decides what I do, say, or eat. Being restricted these past seven days was my choice but still frustrating because I truly believe that you can eat, taste, or sample whatever you want as long as you manage it correctly.
So being off the cleanse finally gave me the green light to do what I want. In the end I knew it wasn't healthy eating and I tried to modify my dinner to bring some healthy balance to my meals.

A couple of people tried to bully/boss me into not eating what I wanted to and it really bugged me. It made me rebel and want to eat more bad stuff. Seriously people, I'm not your 8 yr old child!

Anyway, I came home and weighed myself. I don't think I've told you but I ended up losing 11 pounds after my cleanse. So tonight I saw something on the scale I didn't like. I saw 1 pound come back. Oh Hell No! This means that tomorrow I'm hitting the gym for the first time in years. I need to be more active to continue to enjoy my weight loss. I also want the freedom to eat what I love without the huge guilt.

((yawn)) Okay, time for bed. Good night peeeps!

P.S. A special shout out to my only reader... Weenie! Thanks my dear for subscribing to my nonsense. Muah!

1 comment:

  1. Am I one of those bullies? :(

    See I know you my friend, and I know you love your sweets and cravings for rich stuff, but after such an intense process I knew that you giving into your cravings was not going to be good news. Try the green smoothie, it has loads of benefits, gives you all the nutrients and vitamins you need for the day and totally takes your cravings away. I have not craved anything in a week, if anything it makes me want to eat better and healthier. And since you visit the Farmer's market it's perfect for you to load up on the veggies while you talk to the cutie :)

    I'm very proud of you for sticking to this. Now, can you send me the recipe. I need to lose major poundage and if I do this cleanse before and keep up with my smoothies and walking/biking I can lose it :)

