Monday, November 24, 2008

No Big Deal...

So my BFF Weenie started a blog today. I'm so happy for her & in my attempt to subscribe to her blog I ended up in the middle of creating my own blog. WTF???? I know... lame. Anyhow, I normally use MySpace for blogging but I may do more babbling here. hahaha! Not many people know but I've kept a journal since junior high. I don't keep them up as much as I'd like to but I'm also almost thinking of doing something similiar here. Hey! Wait a sec there fast thinkers! No crazy romance novel material here just random & ridiculous postings. Okay for example...

Yesterday was a pretty fun day for me. I woke up at the crack of dawn because my niece spent the night and was running up and down the hallway laughing & screaming at 6:30 am. My sister and bro-in-law came by a couple of hours later to pick up my niece and brought with them yummy breakfast from Celaya Bakery. Yum Yum Yum! Anyhow, they remind me that my other niece is performing in a play so off we all go to Granada Hills. We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz! Family time at the play, dinner, and coffee later was awesome. I LOVE my family!

After family time I drove from Granada Hills to Highland Park in less than 30 minutes. Yup I flew. No idea how fast I was going but the next thing I knew I was about to pass the 2 so I "busted a crazy" and went from the left most lane to the right lane like a person with a death wish. Anyhow, I made it to my destination safe & sound (sort-of) and arrived at Yaz's house and even found a prime parking space in front of her house. The parking space is a big deal people, trust me. :-) The plan was to go for coffee and a movie with Yaz & her bro Alan. The coffee plan was killed when we discovered that we all had plastic & no cash for Zona Rosa Cafe. So went to the Laemmle (spelling???) in Pasadena to see Slumdog Millionaire. AWESOME movie everyone!! The poop scene was priceless. :-) hahaha! This movie is a must see for all of you.

Anyhow... that was my fun Sunday. A bit of family, Wizard of Oz, and Slumdog Millionaire.

Adios mi amigos!!!


  1. Well, well, well, looks like i've created a monster, hey I too still keep a journal, I try to keep up with it, but a computer is just so much more accessible and you can sneak into it when the boss is away hee, hee...looking forward to reading you...XOXOXO!
