Saturday, November 29, 2008

Huh? What? Huh?

Is it Saturday already?? Wow, the tail end of this week flew by. What have I done??

On Wednesday night I hosted a Sex in the City night at my house. **A little background for you - I've never watched any episode of Sex in the City - ever.** So this was brand spanking new for me. Two of my buddies came by and we saw 12 episodes of season 4. We started about 8:30 pm and didn't finish until 3 am!! While we watched the super funny episodes we were also playing the Sex in the City card game. It was tons of fun!

The next morning was Turkey Day. My dear aunt called at 7:30 am and woke me up. So I was running on 4 hours of sleep on T-Day. Anyhow, besides my lack of sleep, this day was perfect. I spent most of the day in the kitchen with my mom cooking. I've never really done that before, sad I know. Well growing up I would watch and listen to my mom cook with her sisters. They would constantly talk while preparing whatever complicated dish they were working on. Their conversations would usually consist of catching each other up on the latest gossip or life updates of family and/or friends from the past. Well this day, T-Day 2008, my mom and me had a similar bonding experience. She just started opening up to me. We discussed things and people that in any other occasion she would feel completely uncomfortable talking about. I couldn't believe it! It was awesome. We shared pots, pans, the stove & oven, and wonderful stories of the past. Throughout the day my sisters and I were in touch via our cell phones and text messaging. We all cooked at our respective homes and finally met up at the home of one of my sisters. We warmed up our dishes and sat down to have a wonderful meal. I had a lot to be thankful for on Thanksgiving this year. :-)

Friday was such a Saturday! Slept in and took it slow. Late in the afternoon I joined Yaz and went to visit Weenie. We spent a couple of hours with her and the baby before we left. While at Weenie's we watched a show on the Food Network on BBQ food and restaurants. This show inspired my taste buds so Yaz and I went to Baby Blues BBQ in Venice for dinner. Yum Yum Yum!!! After that great dinner we went to a pretty cool event in downtown. A Spoken Word event was hosted at the Lost Souls Cafe in downtown. The cafe is pretty cool and is located right across from Bar 107. I'm definitely going back! After the event ended we hopped in the car and went to the Backstage Bar in Culver City. Wheeew! Lots of driving but Yaz and I split the driving duty. :-) Our night at Backstage started a little slow but it later got really fun. Too bad we didn't get to see Yaz's bro sing. :-( We will save it for another night.

Today IS Saturday. I have a small party to attend but I hope to exit quick because I was just invited to another party at an art gallery. One of my fave current artists will be DJ'ing the event. Can't wait!!!

Okay empty space, this is it for today.

Adios mi amigos!

1 comment:

  1. Boost your Meatballs!!! Did you go to Pinchi Michis dj thing? How was it? XOXOXO
