Thursday, May 17, 2012

11:11 Again

Today I saw it twice. Both times I had my phone to look something up and there were those numbers. Luckily I was able to screen capture it. :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

11:11 and Guardian Angels

Lately I've seen the numbers 11:11 a lot. My thought when I first saw it was "cool". Then after the second time my thought was that I should go buy a Lotto ticket. After the third time I began to wonder if there was more behind those numbers. A Google search later informed me that I wasn't alone in my 11:11 sightings. There were both nice and dark definitions and I chose to believe the nice ones for many reasons.

First of all living a positive life is a conscience decision I make every day; therefore, why give the negative stuff a chance to ponder in my head? I only invite positive things in so it was pretty easy to believe that seeing 11:11 means an angel is near you and just letting you know.

Second, I truly believe I have a guardian angel. Whether its one angel or many more. That fact is that I've had life experiences where someone can say I was lucky or they can say what I believe - that my guardian angels are taking care of me.

Let's start off with one of my earliest childhood memories. I was around 7 years old and almost kidnapped My sisters & I were at a local arcade goofing around and although I didn't have money it didn't stop my pretend games. At one point a man approached me and asked if I liked quarters. I said yes. He then said he had a lot of quarters in his car and if I followed him I could get the quarters. I smiled and said yes and was ready to go when something within made me stop and a voice in my head screamed "Don't go! This is a bad person!". Instead of following him I turned around and went straight to my older sister to tell her what happened.

In my next memory I was about 10 yrs old and almost drowned. My sisters and me, along with other neighborhood kids, where swimming at a local pool. My crush was there too. I didn't know how to swim so I was hanging on to the edge of the pool. I moved to the deep end of the pool and in a brief crazy moment I decided to show off and let go of the edge. I didn't tell anyone what I planned on doing so my sisters weren't really paying attention to me. After letting go of the edge I just sank down slowly. I looked around and figured I didn't magically learn to swim. After what seemed like several minutes I understood that I wasn't in a good predicament and decided to do something to get someone's attention. I slowly raised my arm and next thing I know my sister grabs it and pulls me out. My underwater experience feels surreal to this day and although my sister saved me I truly believe my guardian angel was with me and helped too.

Many years later when I was walking home from high school I was almost hit by a car. As most teenagers I tended to walk with my head down instead of looking ahead. As I was crossing a street a truck driven by a college student made a left from the main street onto the street I was crossing. I looked up in time to see the truck coming straight towards me and I stopped in my tracks, frozen. The truck swerved a little but still came my way. I remained frozen in the middle of the street and watched as the truck somehow drove inches away from me and stopped. The driver apologized and after I realized I was okay my legs somehow began to move again. I walked home in a daze. I couldn't believe I escaped a dangerous situation again. I knew then that without a doubt my guardian angel saved my life.

So this is why I believe 11:11 is a sign that angels are near. I've always felt blessed in life and now I'm feeling it even more.
