Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Work is going pretty well right now. I am being recommended for  committees, councils, and projects. Through all of this involvement I am meeting tons of senior managers that hopefully will one day make a hiring decision in my favor.  I'm very excited & I almost am afraid to say it out loud just in case it doesn't happen. 

My friend "Dy" told me last night that I need to change my attitude / outlook from "hopefully it will happen" to "It will happen". She's so right because I do believe in the law of attraction. You attract what you put out there.

Anyhow, I just wanted to record this moment with you.  I will keep you updated. :-)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I was on such a career high all day so I'm perplexed as to why I'm feeling blah right now. Is it being indoors? I took a walk to buy dinner for that reason but it didn't help. Dinner actually made my stomach feel like my brain... Blah.

It's 7pm and I'm already in bed. Not good.  I don't even have the energy to tell you why I was on such a happy high. 

I almost feel like I'm missing someone. But who? There's this ache I'm feeling and I can't pinpoint why I'm feeling it. 

Is it loneliness? Maybe. Oh man, I really need to get out of this funk because that's when I'm the most unproductive. 

I need to watch Oprah's Master Class and get inspired. :-)