Friday, December 26, 2008

It's My Birthday!!!

It’s my birthday and I’ll laugh if I want to, laugh if I want to! You would laugh too if happened to youuuuu!!! J

Hello there empty space! Today I turn 31. Wow… I never could picture myself turning 31, not that I pictured myself dying early, but I always tried to push the thought of my thirties out of my head. Now I’m here and I’m happy happy happy! Why?

2008 was a very rough year for me. I had a lot of downs but while in those low moments I always had my family and friends reach down and help me get back up. As stubborn as I was in sometimes refusing help, they insisted and were always there. In my planning of my informal birthday celebration at my fave bar these last few weeks I have also realized how lucky I am. A couple of months ago I did not want to celebrate my birthday this year. I wanted it to go by unnoticed by everyone. I guess it was me hating the idea of getting deeper into the Thirty-something pool. Then I realized that what I love about my birthday every year is that I get to spend time with my closest friends and also friends I usually don’t see or keep in touch with on a regular basis. That’s when I decided that I would spend my birthday at my favorite bar and whoever wanted to join me was welcome. So here I am today – Dec. 26th and so far I have about 25 RSVP’s. I have also received tons of wonderful phone calls and text messages. My two awesome friends Yaz and Weenie are making sure I’m properly fed. Yaz is coming to downtown (cuz I’m working today) and taking me out to lunch. Weenie is taking me out to breakfast tomorrow. Yummmm!!!

Thank you to the Friendship Gods and Family Gods for blessing me with such wonderful people in my life. How can you not believe in God when you are surrounded by the best family and the best friends a person could ask for? Yup, not possible.

Today I am bursting with love for my family, friends, and God.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tis the Season to Give Give Give

I know that the typical thing to do this season is donate time, food, clothes, and whatever else. In years past when I had more money in my pockets I wouldn't donate. Don't get me wrong, I have volunteered at events and donate every year to the United Way.

Times are tough right now. Historically tough. Hearing about all the job losses has really broken my heart. What would I do and where would I be if I lost my job tomorrow??? Anyhow, just like everyone else I've cut back on many expenses. But for some reason I'm more compelled to donate whatever I can.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is a Test... Of the Emerge- uhhhh

Hi Empty Space! No need to worry, freak out or whatever. No emergency... yet. Haha! Just testing this groovey thingy where I email blogger through my phone & it immediately posts my emails. Technology is awesome!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm an addict!!!

Jeez! I've discovered that I have a slightly addictive personality. ONLY slightly!

So a few months ago I stepped into the black hole of YouTube. I was only suppose to watch a couple of episodes on my fave novela that I missed. Next thing I know I'm staying up to 2 or 3 in the morning for a couple of weeks straight watching novelas on YouTube. Those were my most unproductive weeks at work ever. Weekends came around and I didn't leave my house or my computer. Fortunately I ran out of things to watch back then and was able to pull myself away from my YouTube "crack" addiction.

... Now I have a new addiction... Yup, I can't get enough of the Sex in the City DVD's. Last night I stayed up 'til 2 am and woke up and 6 am the same morning for work. I'm so tired right now and should have been in bed a long time ago but I had to finish watching all the episodes on one of the DVD's. It's a great show and I'm about 1/3 of the way done with season 3. Carrie just started dating cutie Aiden!!!

I'm done with my TV watching but I needed to update everyone in Empty Space Land on my week so far. Especially the Weenie-meister. ;-) haha!

OMG! BTW, tomorrow is my company's holiday shin-dig. Looking forward to it but a I'm freaked because I have nothing cute to wear. :-( Sucks I didn't get to go shopping for the occasion.

Sorry for such a lame blog post today. My brain is functioning at 40% right now. Lack of sleep sucks for your concentration, metabolism, and beauty.

Adios mi amigos!